About this blog title

I cannot tell you how many times I have shown up at events with a couple of cameras around my neck, a gadget bag full of odds & ends and a lighting kit and have been asked that question. If it happened once every few years, that would be one thing. But it happens a LOT. It's like getting pulled over by the police and he's standing there with uniform, gun, flashing lights and asking him "Are you a cop?" I would love to come back with a witty reply, such as "No, I am Jesus. Don't you recognize my beard?" However, I cannot be that rude.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Beach Creature Art at Wilson's Bay, Cape Vincent, NY

Beach sculpture, Wilson's Bay, Cape Vincent, NY

Had a bad nights sleep last night that followed a wonderful family get together at our home in Chaumont, NY. Consequently got up later than usual this morning. It was a lovely Summer day, breezy and a temp around 80 degrees. Late this afternoon we decided to take a drive to one of our swimming spots, Wilson's Bay, Cape Vincent, NY.   We discovered this somewhat eerie artwork. The artist unknown. I love it and find it inspiring. 

Beach sculpture, Wilson's Bay, Cape Vincent, NY

Beach sculpture, Wilson's Bay, Cape Vincent, NY

Beach sculpture, Wilson's Bay, Cape Vincent, NY

Beach sculpture, Wilson's Bay, Cape Vincent, NY

Most years we go to this beach many times through the summer. One of our favorite spots. This Summer was different. Many, many days of rain, the Better Half dealing with some health issues, me putting extra time in at our Clay St house readying it for sale. So today the weather was exceptionally nice and the discovery of this artwork made this day special. 

My iPhone reports I walked 4,621 steps today. 

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