About this blog title

I cannot tell you how many times I have shown up at events with a couple of cameras around my neck, a gadget bag full of odds & ends and a lighting kit and have been asked that question. If it happened once every few years, that would be one thing. But it happens a LOT. It's like getting pulled over by the police and he's standing there with uniform, gun, flashing lights and asking him "Are you a cop?" I would love to come back with a witty reply, such as "No, I am Jesus. Don't you recognize my beard?" However, I cannot be that rude.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Half Mile Trail Walk With Better Half

1/4 mile marker at Development Authority of North Country Nature Trail, Calcium, NY

I took a half mile walk with the Better Half today on the nature trail in Calcium, NY. She has long had a back and leg problems that have been limiting her walking. Her pain and discomfort during walking is abated when she pushes a shopping cart through a store. With that in mind we recently bought her a walker. Today we tried it out on the nature trail. WE made it to the first 1/4 mile marker, trned and went back, executing a half mile. This was a real milestone and morale booster. Especially since she is soon facing some surgery and the doctor would like her to get walking before hand so as to be better prepared for after surgery recovery.
Development Authority of North Country Nature Trail, Calcium, NY

It was a  lovely day after 2 or 3 days of rain. Breazy with a temperature about 68 degrees, low humidity. I also put a couple hours work in at our Clay St apartment house. My phone app says I walked 5,501 steps today.

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