About this blog title

I cannot tell you how many times I have shown up at events with a couple of cameras around my neck, a gadget bag full of odds & ends and a lighting kit and have been asked that question. If it happened once every few years, that would be one thing. But it happens a LOT. It's like getting pulled over by the police and he's standing there with uniform, gun, flashing lights and asking him "Are you a cop?" I would love to come back with a witty reply, such as "No, I am Jesus. Don't you recognize my beard?" However, I cannot be that rude.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Firewood Delivery

Rob Joanette, Dexter, NY, delivers 5 cord load of firewood to our Chaumont house.

We had 5 cord of firewood delivered on Wednesday, July24. Bought it from Rob Joanette in Dexter. 425.00   for the load. It was hot and humid today. Temp got to 85 here in Chaumont. Was going to work at our Clay St apartment house but Better half called me home before I got started. I was in Watertown but turned around and came back. Her stoma pouch was leaking. We changed the pouch on Sunday. Tuesday morning (today) she had itchy skin and the device was leaking. So we changed it. This was at noon. At 6:00 pm the new bag leaked. This caused great distress for her. Nothing to do but replace it. We should be able to go 4 or 5 days with no leaks. We will see.

Anyhow, instead of going to Class St I spent the afternoon stacking firewood. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

2011 Kia Sedona Gas Leak and New Battery

I charge the battery for 24 hours to no avail. It still would not start my van.
Another repair job on my 2011 Kia Sedona van. Back in May I replaced the fuel pump. Recently I started to smell gasoline after the van idled for a few minutes. The fuel was leaking somewhere in front. I dropped the van off at D&S Garage on Patty Hill, Brownville on Wednesday the 17th.  It was ready on Monday the22nd bu the Better Half had Dr appointment in Syracuse. ( A 2week post surgery follow up with Dr. Dantu.)

Tuesday I pick the van up and it would not start. Garage guys gave me a jump and away I went. Over next couple of days the battery would not hold a charge. I charged it for 24 hours with my batter charger. Still wouldn't start. Battery was shot. Today I bought new one at Walmart for $139.00. Installed it in about15 minutes and the van started up instantly.

By the way, the fuel leak was fixed and cost $97.00

New battery from Wal-Mart, $139.00, 3 year battery

New battery from Wal-Mart, $139.00, 3 year battery, installed in my 2011 Kia Sedona.

The old battery from Auto Zone served me for 5 years.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

What Caught My Eye: Sidewalk Shadows, July 6, 2024

Shadows on sidewalk outside St. Joe's Hospital, Syracuse NY. 
photo copyright Gary Walts July 6, 2024

These photos of shadows on a sidewalk  were taken outside of St. Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse, NY on July 6, 2024. This was on the 4th day that The Better Half was a patient there, recovering from surgery related to her diverticulosis / diverticulitis.  It was about 90 degrees with high humidity. I had parked the car on the street was going to add time to the meter when the sidewalk and shadows caught my eye. I present several of them here, including one with a part of my shadow and feet. 

This shot is simply a black and white version of the above.
photo copyright Gary Walts July 6, 2024

Shadows on sidewalk outside St. Joe's Hospital, Syracuse NY. 
photo copyright Gary Walts July 6, 2024

Shadows on sidewalk outside St. Joe's Hospital, Syracuse NY. 
photo copyright Gary Walts July 6, 2024

Shadows on sidewalk outside St. Joe's Hospital, Syracuse NY. 
photo copyright Gary Walts July 6, 2024

Monday, July 15, 2024

Photos from Jerry's Tiki Bar, Millens Bay, NY

Local music legend Tom O'Riley at Jerry's Tiki Bar

Here are some photos I snapped today at Jerry's Tiki Bar in Millens Bay, NY. The place just opened a week or so ago. It's a great atmosphere. My brother Al & I just dropped in to have a beer and check it out. To our pleasant surprise the very talented musician and song writer Tom O'Riley was playing there. So we caught his last set. There was a beautiful breeze coming off the lake that tempered the afternoon heat. It was a perfect northern New York day.

Local music legend Tom O'Riley at Jerry's Tiki Bar

Local music legend Tom O'Riley at Jerry's Tiki Bar

Jerry's Tiki Bar, Millens Bay, NY

Jerry's Tiki Bar, Millens Bay, NY

Jerry's Tiki Bar, Millens Bay, NY

Jerry's Tiki Bar, Millens Bay, NY

Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of July and Better Half is in Hospital

Today is Independence Day, the 4th of July and the Better Half is in St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse, NY, recovering from surgery. She had a section of large colon removed after a few years of problems with diverticulosis/ diverticulitis. 

This is the surgery waiting room at St. Joe's hospital in Syracuse, NY. It's and older part of the place and is visually interesting. 

She is doing well and  was up walking around 24 hours after the 7 hour surgery.

Tuesday July 2nd the operation was done by Dr. Dantu. 

Strawberry short cake at sister Sue's

I visited the Better Half in the hospital today and at 3:00 went to sister Sue's place in Utica area.Sister Carol was there as well as Sue's granddaughter E. We had grilled steak, salad, salt potatoes and strawberry short cake. It was all yummy. Headed home to Chaumont about 7:00, arrived at 9:00.