About this blog title

I cannot tell you how many times I have shown up at events with a couple of cameras around my neck, a gadget bag full of odds & ends and a lighting kit and have been asked that question. If it happened once every few years, that would be one thing. But it happens a LOT. It's like getting pulled over by the police and he's standing there with uniform, gun, flashing lights and asking him "Are you a cop?" I would love to come back with a witty reply, such as "No, I am Jesus. Don't you recognize my beard?" However, I cannot be that rude.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Squirrel Chewing Our Wooden Fence

 Thursday, June 16: I discover a squirrel chewing up the wood fence in our backyard.

Squirrel chewing up our fence. 

It was just after dark and I heard a peculiar sound coming from our back yard. Sounded like wood snapping or banging with a scraping noise. I get a flashlight and discover a squirrel busy knawing away on our fence. A huge amount of it chewed up. The squirrel seemed fixated  what he was doing and didn't try to run from me or anything. I got quite close and he wouldn't budge. Its after dark and squirrels are supposed to be in bed. Why is this one so active? This was all very creepy. Well I snapped his picture and posted it on Facebook that night.  The next morning a Facebook viewer asked if the animal was stuck. WOW! That never occurred to me. A second look at the photo and sure enough, looks like he got stuck between the boards and was chewing his was free. I checked the fence that morning and the critter was not there.

Squirrel chewing up our fence. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I Play Guitar at Billy Patterson Gala

Friday June 7 I played guitar at the Billy Patterson Gala.The event was held at the Copley House in Chaumont, NY.  Billy was a well known resident of Chaumont, NY having worked at the local grocery store and at The Blue Heron restaurant in the village. He also lived in an apartment at the Copley house. Billy died too young, a cancer victim. It was a nice event. Played guitar outdoors in the garden. It was windy and cool, 60 to 64 degrees. Met some good people, had some great food.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

One of Our Grandsons Robbed at Thompson Park, Watertown, NY

City of Watertown, NY, as seen from Thompson Park. It's hard to believe the crime
 that has been happening here in recent years.  photo by Gary Walts

Watertown City Police released the following regarding the robbery of one of our grandsons at Thompson Park: 

Media Release

Members of our uniformed patrol division responded to Thompson Park on 06/08/2024 at 2:25 am for a robbery. It is alleged that Jayden Holt, Jiovanni Chambers, and a 17-year-old juvenile female brandished a knife at Jacob Shipps, engaged in a physical altercation with him, and stole his money, credit cards, and car. It is also alleged that Jayden drove the victim’s vehicle while intoxicated, struck another motor vehicle, and then struck a stone wall on Park Dr where he was taken into custody.

Jayden Holt, an 18-year-old male residing at 9 Champion St in Carthage, NY, was charged with Robbery in the first degree, a class B felony, two counts of Grand Larceny in the fourth degree, class E felonies, Driving While Intoxicated, a misdemeanor, and Fleeing an Officer in a Motor Vehicle, a class A misdemeanor.

Jiovanni Chambers, a 19-year-old male residing at 395 Gaffney Dr in Watertown, NY, was charged with Robbery in the first degree, a class B felony, two counts of Grand Larceny in the fourth degree, class E felonies.

The 17-year-old female was charged with Robbery in the first degree, a class B felony, two counts of Grand Larceny in the fourth degree, class E felonies.

They are being held pending arraignment in Watertown City Court.

The Watertown Police Department were assisted by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, the New York State Police, the Jefferson County Probation Department, Guilfoyle Emergency Medical Service, and Watertown City Fire Department.

Joseph A. Giaquinto
Detective Sergeant

Stone wall at foot of Thompson Park after car thief crashed Jake's car into it.

Jake went to the park to meet a girl whom he had met online. When he got there he was assaulted and threatened with a knife. Assailants demanded his money, debit card and car keys. They also wanted his phone. Somehow Jake managed to get away with his phone and called 911. Police arrived and a car chase ensued. The robbers crashed Jake's car into a stone wall, totaling the vehicle. Clearly to us Jake was lured into a robbery / car jacking situation. 
It is unbelievable to us that such an incident could happen here. We are thankful for the quick police response and thankful Jake wasn't seriously injured. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Great Photo of Me Playing Guitar at Watertown Farm Market May 22, 2024


Me playing at Watertown Farm Market, photo by Tom Murray

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 I played guitar on the opening day of the 2024 Watertown Farm and Craft Market. It was very warm, over 80 degrees and humid. There was a strong, steady breeze the mad the 2 hour gi was there. I asked him to snap a photo of me. He use Photoshop to change the background into a sunset and the result was fantastic. 

Here is photo after Murray replaced the background with Photoshop:

Me playing at Watertown Farm Market, background replaced with Photoshop.
photo by Tom Murray

Monday, June 3, 2024

Sunday Drive To Lake George and a Narragansett Turkey

       Ron and Al at a stop light in the Adirondack Mountain village of Lake George, NY.

The Better Half and I took a drive to Lake George yesterday (Sunday June 2).We went to Luzerne State Campground where brothers Al & Ron had been camping for 5 days. They rode motorcycles there to attend and participate in a motorcycle show. We went there to haul their camping gear back home for them. It was sunny, mild temps, no wind. A gorgeous day. We left Chaumont at 8:00 and arrived at the campground at noon. It was a most scenic drive through the Adirondack Mountains. We had lunch at a nearby place called Longhorn. Had a great burger. She had a turkey club sandwich. I took almost no photos as we headed homeward immediately following lunch. We arrived at Ron's place in Natural Bridge about 5:30. While they unloaded the car I snapped some photos of a Narragansett Turkey that resides there. The bird spends his time strutting around and showing off his feathers.

A Narragansett turkey at brother Ron'splace in Natural Bridge, NY.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Bat in the Basement May 26, 2024 and Artsy Photo

 May 26 and I discovered a bat roosting in our basement. He was in same place as previous bats I discovered roosting in the basement. I got rid of it, didn't bother to photograph it. This is the 3rd bat I have found in the basement over a 2, maybe 3 year period. My research says bats enter house from up high, end up in the attic. From there they find there way into the basement and ultimately my find their way into your living space. It's suggested you watch your house at dusk (outside) and try to spot bats entering or exiting somewhere along the roof line, chimney, drip edge, soffit and facia. So that evening I did that became quickly bored. So I snapped some photos and experimented with some iPhone filters and other editing tools. This photo of some leaves was one of my creations. 

While watching for bats at dusk I created this artsy iPhone photo. copyright Gary Walts 2024