Grilling jerked chicken wings and enjoying Red Stripe beer in Chaumont, NY on New Years Eve. |
New Years Eve saw mild temperatures and no snow in Chaumont, NY. The ground was bare. In early afternoon I grilled some Jamaican jerked chicken wings. The Better Half made some deviled eggs. We boiled a pot of salt potatoes. Served it up with some Red Stripe beer, a brew from Jamaica.
We declined an invite a small New Years Eve party at B & M's house in Rutland. However, having eaten early in the afternoon we felt differently by 6:00pm. So we decided to go drop in on them. They were surprised & happy we showed. We left after a couple hours getting back home about 9:30. I stayed up to ring in the new year by watching the NY City Times Square ball dropping countdown. The BH hit the hay a half hour earlier.
We drove the BH's car (2019 Kia Sorento) and on the way the brakes started making a scraping, gritty sound.
New Years Day I replaced rear brake pads on our 2019 Kia Sorento. |
New Years Day I inspected the rear brakes. The pads were wrrn down and needed replacing. Rotors were worn some, but not to where they need replacing.
Called Auto Zone. They were open. Set of rear brake pads were $28.00 and tax.
January 2nd 2024 finished rear brake pads on our 2019 Kia Sorento. |
Before I got them installed H & D called. We went to their house and grilled hot hot dogs, drank beer & wine. Played Phase Ten, a card game. Good fun. Got home around 10:00pm. Had some egg nog with vanilla whiskey and coconut rum.
January 2nd I was mildly hung over and finished the rear brake job on the Sorento.