About this blog title

I cannot tell you how many times I have shown up at events with a couple of cameras around my neck, a gadget bag full of odds & ends and a lighting kit and have been asked that question. If it happened once every few years, that would be one thing. But it happens a LOT. It's like getting pulled over by the police and he's standing there with uniform, gun, flashing lights and asking him "Are you a cop?" I would love to come back with a witty reply, such as "No, I am Jesus. Don't you recognize my beard?" However, I cannot be that rude.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Busy Day with Doctor Appointments, Guitar Lessons

 April 5, 2022

The Copley House in Chaumont. This is the room I normally use for guitar lessons. It's a great spot

I had a busy day today. 8:45 am I had to visit dermatologist office  for a check on how a skin cream is working for me. Then at 11:00 I accompanied the Better Half as she went for an MRI scan related to back issues she has had for many, many years. At 3:00 I had guitar lessons at the Copley House in Chaumont, NY.  While I was doing that the Better Half visited her daughter B and had a great dinner with B & her family.

Here are a couple snaps I made today while driving downtime rod somewhere between Limerick & Chaumont.

Most folks will probably not like the skewed horizon and the telephone wires, but I somehow do. The photo was a serendipitous creation. Just pointing the camera phone outage window without looking.

This photo was like the above with a skewed horizon but I cropped it to a straight horizon.

Both photos would admittedly be better without the wires, but on some level I like them.

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Please leav comments and suggestions about this blog and how I maght improve it. Thanks, Gary Walts