The first big snow storm for the 2022-2023 winter season started during the night of on November 17, 2022. I spent a good portion of Friday the 18th shoveling snow at our house in Chaumont.
418 Clay St, Watertown, NY, snowed in. |
418 Clay St, Watertown, NY, snowed in. |
Woke up Saturday morning, the 19th, to another 10 - 12 inches in Chaumont. I spent the morning shoveling that here in Chaumont. From there I went our Clay St apartment house in Watertown. There was close to four feet of snow there. Clay Street had not been plowed. I parked a block away and walked to our house and proceeded to shovel the sidewalk. I also dug out some of our tenant's car that was buried in the driveway.
418 Clay St, Watertown, NY, snowed in. |
418 Clay St, Watertown, NY, snowed in. |
On Sunday the 20th I went back to Clay Street to check on things. The city had plowed the street. Not perfectly, but enough to drive on it. On this day I touched up the sidewalk and chopped through the snow and ice at the end of the driveway so our tenant would be able to get out in her car.
Monday the 21st I went to Clay to assess things. Did some minor snow removal. The balcony roof however was bothering me. Very heavy load of snow on it. No way to get to it without mu 32 foot ladder.
Shoveling lake effect snow at 418 Clay St, Watertown, NY. |
418 Clay St, Watertown, NY, snowed in. |
Tuesday the 22nd my Celebrity Brother Al assisted me with loading the ladder on. the roof of my 2011 Kia Sedona van and followed me to Clay St. I shoveled the roof and he worked at removing the roof snow that fell on the sidewalk. It was much warmer, close to 40 degrees. I was sweating as if I were mowing the lawn in August. The sweat got in my eyes, soaked my shirt. The roof has a shallow pitch, but stressful being up there where slipping and falling off is a real threat. I exercise great caution in these situations. I kneel in the snow and push it off the edge where possible. Anyhow, we loaded the ladder at 10:00am and I was back home with it by 2:30pm, the job completed.
418 Clay St, Watertown, NY, snowed in. |
Lake effect snow removal at 418 Clay St, Watertown, NY. |
Lake effect snow removal at 418 Clay St, Watertown, NY. |
Lake effect snow removal at 418 Clay St, Watertown, NY. |
Lake effect snow removal at 418 Clay St, Watertown, NY. |
Lake effect snow removal at 418 Clay St, Watertown, NY. |