I was at SUNY Oswego a week or so a go on a job. As I walked across campus I noticed how the trees were all in bloom. So I very quickly, with almost no thought, snapped the two photos here. I did pay attention to the girl who was running and waited for her to get closer to me and the other two people walking in the photo. These are not great, artsy, or important photos other than they are informative. But it's another example of how I like to make snap shots of where ever I am. In some respects it's like keeping a journal. I will send these photos to The Image Works, a photo agency that I affiliated with. There is a market for such simple photos. But they may linger in their files and never sell. That's the way of it.

Incidentally, if you go the The Image Works web site you can type my name into the search box on their home page and see some of the photos I have on file with them.