It is after midnight. I have been in bed for two hours and have not fallen asleep. I HATE IT WHEN THIS HAPPENS. This is night 2 of the problem. Last night I lay awake until 2:00AM, got up ate a salami sandwhich went back to bed & finally dozed of around 4:00. Got up at 8:30. Why I am not collapsing in a dead sleep tonight is beyond me.

This photo was taken by my sister C while she was in town from Arizona. It is me playing at Carl's Furniture Sunday brunch in Watertown, NY.
My mother will be coming home from the hospital tomorrow afternoon. (Well, actually today) She will be under hospice care with myself, my daughter, and three other brothers doing what we can to fill in.
I am basically miserable lately because my routine has deteriorated to no routine. Or at least a routine I dislike. The Better Half no longer works. That's wonderful for her. But, she is always home when I am home. I rarely have the house to myself. That never used to bother me a whole lot because I used to get up about 5-5:30 every morning and have until 8:00 o'clock or later to myself. I got my guitar practice in and other creative endeavors. Now it seems I can never get up before 7:00 Now the Better Half rarely sleeps in either. She is up about the same time as I am.
that combined with my my job schedule and my freelance work I have too little time of my own. One needs space. For the past 18 months or so I have been working evenings on Mondays & Tuesdays for the Post-Standard. So I can never get to bed before midnight on those nights. I know that overall I have had a blessed life and should not complain. And, I really am not complaining. I'm just tired of the way things are going and I must figure a more satisfactory way to spend my time. Maybe I need to make job changes.
Of course things are more trying these past 3 weeks with my Mother being hospitalized and at death's door for few of those days. Now she is entering into her own new routine. I doubt she will regain enough strength to be able to walk around and care for herself again. Add to that the rising price of gasoline and other expenses and it begins to make one's head swim.
On another note, it was terrific having both of my sisters here for a visit. THis past Friday we had a good time at my home in Chaumont. We had fish and various salads from Jeans Beans, a long time family owned deli in Watertown. But about 2:30 in the morning I woke up with a churning stomach. That moring I was sicker than a dog. I had to cancel my guitar lessons. I was much better on Sunday, but still not 100%, however, I managed to play my three hour Sunday gig at Carl's furniture.