The above photo caught my eye as I was driving around in the city of Syracuse.
A week ago I had to drive up to the prison in Dannemora, NY. It is a maximum security facility located in the Adirondack Mountains, built in 1835. I was there to photograph and video an interview with one Floyd VanHooser. He is the fourth person to come out of the woodwork and accuse former Syracuse University assistant basketball coach
Bernie Fine of molesting him as a child. It is a most interesting, ongoing story.
Anyhow, the three and a half hour drive home took me along the St. Lawrence River and through the village of Waddington. Traffic was backed up a bit as I approached the village. Then I see that the Border Patrol has four cars parked on the road shoulders and numerous agents stopping cars. We are supposed to travel freely about in this country, not be stopped for unwarranted reasons. My hackles were raised and I did not wish to be cooperative. However, If I were not, I'm sure I would have been detained for a longer period than I could afford. I was on the job after all. On my own time I would have given them some static.
Anyway, a young looking female agent motioned me to stop. I did so & sat until I was told to lower my window. "Where are you coming from", she asked. Inside I was outraged. It is none of her or their business where I've been. I looked at her with a stone cold face and said, "Massena." "Where are you going?" "Home," I said. She began to look nervous. "Where is home at?", she asked. I wanted to tell her it was none of her f***ing business. Instead I replied, very slowly, accenting each syllable, "Chau-mont, New-York." By now there was such iciness in my tone it's a wonder my words didn't freeze and shatter in the air. Then she mis-pronounced the name Chaumont, in a quizzical fashion. "Where is that?" Again I answered with thick, slow, heavy, ice laden syllables: "In Jeff-er-son Coun-ty." By now she got the message loud & clear that I did not like being stopped and questioned. She finished with a sort of apologetic tone "Well, I've never heard of that place befor." Then she said "OK". I didn't acknowledge her any further, I simply drove off. I would say she was no older than 25-27. I like being old enough to be her father, with grey tinged hair, and giving her the treatment. She was clearly uncomfortable after quizzing me.
Who the Hell do those people think they are? This is BS (Bull Shit).
In other matters, my transmission has been repaired to the tune of $2095.00.
Christmas was nice. The Better Half & I made the rounds to various households in our families, bearing gifts and good cheer. At 8:00AM we were at her daughter's home in Burrville. From there we went to her daughter's home in Brownville. Then we went to my Daughter's home in Calcium. From there to my mother's home, also in Calcium. Then we went to my son's home in Watertown. From there we stopped in at my brother T's home in Dexter. From there we went home, arriving about 5:00PM. It was a most pleasant, but tiring Christmas.
The following photo is another one that cught my eye in recent weeks. It is a sidewalk in the city of Syracuse, NY.