For about 23 years I had what I thought was a secure job at the Post-Standard newspaper in Syracuse, NY. Then the economy crashed and my hours were cut to 16 a week, That's TWO DAYS! A week! That was in January of '09. It was more than a year before I suddenly realized I sould be on facebook. So in March of 2010 I opened my facebook account and proclaimed that I was going to post a photo a day for an entire year. Well, that was easier said than done. It is now the end of March 2011. A year has pased aand for the most part I have succeeded. I missed a a day here and there, but posted several photos on other days so that in the end I have uploaded more than 365 photos.
That brings me to tomorrow. March 31rst is the deadline for the annual Light Work grant applications. So, procrastinator that I am I am finishing my application today. Winning applicants recieve a $2,000.00 grant. I have applied for the grant many times over the years. I have gotten an exhibition and a special award of $300.00, but have never been awarded "The Grant."
The photos posted here are the ones that accompany my grant application. They have been culled from my facebook postings of the last 12 months. That is why I have included the dates & facebook logo with each photo. The represent a small part of my life and world shared on facebook.

For more info about Light Work, visit them on the web at:
Light Work : An artist-run, non-profit photography and digital ...Light Work is an artist-run, non-profit photography and digital media center ... AVENUE SYRACUSE, NY 13244 PHONE: (315) 443-1300 EMAIL: INFO@LIGHTWORK. ...