Yesterday I mentioned about how I dropped 40 pounds of weight over the course of two years and have kept it off for a year now. One of the points I would like to make about that is the fact that losing weight, IMO, is the same as anything eles one sets out to accomplish. Getting something done is a process that takes time. Losing weight is no different than learning a guitar solo, creating a piece of sculpture, repairing the car, or installing a tile floor. In other words, everything takes time. It's all step by step. A jigsaw puzzle goes together one piece at a time. You learn a musical composition note by note, phrase by phrase. Install a tile floor one tile at a time. Nothing is instant. Why do so many people expect to drop their weight FAST? One doesn't become fifty pounds overweight by eating a fifty pound dinner one afternoon. It happens by over eating small ammounts over a long period of time. Likewise, losing it should realistically take a long time. When I said I cut out ice cream, bear, fast food and the like, I didn't do them all cold turkey. The first thinf a stopped was fast food. That started January 1. I was rigid about that. As for beer, I began drinking less, but didn't quit it all together until Lent began. At that point I cut it out all together. When Lent was over, I continued not dringing beer. So, I did these things over a period of time, adding something to the plan bit by bit. Another thing I did was started atking the stairs at work as opposed to the elevator. Again, I started this habit slowly. Occassionally. Finally it bacame habit. I can only tell you how I lost and kept off my weight. I made a list of changes and gradually incorporated them into my daily routine. If you try to do it all at the same time there's a good chance you will become overwhelmed and quit. It's like tearing down the garage by blowing it up with dynamite. It got tore down in a hurry, but left a big mess. Anyhow, step by step is how I get things done. So can you. Regards, Gary

The photos posted here today were both taken in the backyard of my home in Chaumont, NY. One of the points I stress to novice photographers in search of that elusive image is to open their eyes and observe their immediate surroundings.